Virtual Fitness Solutions for Club Groups Worldwide
As market leaders in virtual fitness, Wexer’s technology enables clients to extend their group exercise timetable and increase studio utilisation.
Proven to boost attendance and retention, the Wexer Virtual on-demand Player is an advanced touch screen unit that uses the latest technology to deliver virtual fitness content.
In 2018 1FitLife was contracted to create workouts across many fitness disciplines for the Wexer players. The workouts were created by our Master Trainers and Fitness Professionals to captivate the viewer and enhance their experience whilst using the players.
We believe content should be emotionally evolving, created to inspire, engage, educate and activate an audience. There should be an outcome, a reason WHY the audience IS the audience for a focused moment in time…
Our team of experts have a wealth of experience from different industries like fitness & health, music, TV, video production, and digital fitness, but we all have one thing in common. We are passionate about fitness.
We breathe life into fitness and lifestyle brands.